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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Appointment of Absolute

Dear fellow OH5 Owners

Following my earlier email, on behalf of the OH5 Committee, I would formally like to take this opportunity to introduce the Company we selected to take over the management of the complex, which is "Absolute". 

Due to the late notice of Palm View Management, Absolute stepped in last minute to take over the complex and maintain the existing price structure arrangement and services. They will immediately tend to the property as of this week in line with the details I advised you of in our last communication.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Maria, Tony and Alison who not doubt will be in contact with you all in due course.

At this juncture as the Committee would like to address the issue of non payment from some Owners. We cannot accept this situation any longer, as it breaks all values of the community we chose to reside in and of course the laws of Cyprus. 

As such we urge all Owners to immediately bring their accounts up to date once you receive the payment details from Absolute. For reasons of transparency and clarity after a period of one month we will notify all Owners of the balance of payments. All amounts still unpaid at this time will assertively be followed up using the legal system of Cyprus if necessary. 

Note that the 3 houses opposite that were advised by Quality at the time of purchase they could use the Pool will be contacted by Absolute to contribute to the facilities or be denied access to the complex. 

In closing, I would like to once again welcome Absolute to the OH5 community and lets trust we can collectively vision the best for our wonderful property by maintaining it in the proper way and by maximizing the value of our collective investments.

Best regards

Grant Holmes

On behalf of the OH 5 Committee
Grant, Brian and Costas

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