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Friday, November 1, 2013

Before and After pictures of the major Oroklini Hills upgrade

Dear OH5 Owners,

Warm Greetings from Cyprus!

As promised by email, please see below the Before and After pictures which demonstrate the extent of the major upgrade of OH5. 

We trust you will all view the Gardens to be quite impressive now, especially compared to what they were. Note that this came at no cost to OH5, as KSL made the investment. 


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Demorilo Holdings have terminated service

All owners are kindly advised that Demorilo Holdings have withdrawn all services with immediate effect, due to non payment of their services. This development is contrary to the agreement whereby Demorilo promised to continue until the end of September 2013.

Over the weekend Treasurer Brian Walton paid his own personal money to cover the disposal of sewage.

Committee members held urgency meetings to discuss the replacement of vital services at the earliest juncture. An announcement will be made next week by means of a solution.

As previously advised funds are critically low, which has caused strain on all services in the past month(s).

In the meantime, we welcome any fully paid owners that would like to come forward and join the committee or provide support. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Final urgent call for funds - Demorilo to finish at end of contract

Dear OH5 Owners

We take this opportunity to inform you that Demorilo will cease all services at the end of the current contract (end of September 2013).  According to Demorilo’s own accounts the OH5 debt reached just over 2,900 euro and they feel that it’s unsustainable to manage the complex, as so many owners were not paying.

While some owners in our complex have taken issue with Demorilo in the past, they remain popular locally and manage 11 complexes. We have spoken to the Committees of many and they are satisfied. The facts of the matter means that in the current economic crisis with Demorilo out of the picture, it will be very hard to find another professional management company willing to take on the complex and even individuals will show caution. Moreover, individuals either demand money up front or paying exactly on time, which is something we have not been able to do until now due to the volume of non-payers.

As the debt is mounting we are forced to start limiting services. Demorilo have been financing our complex for the past few months, so to avoid more mounting debt, we negotiated cheaper prices for August / September 2013 at 800+ euro per month (including sewage, pool maintenance, gardening, basic admin and cleaning) instead of 1480+.  Considering that the cost of the sewage disposal is now 400 euro per month alone due to the forced new system involving an increased frequency of disposing sewage we had to adopt, which includes stamps from Nicosia, the rest of the services are in reality being subsidized. The temporary fee will however mean we will receive limited and reduced services.

As a Committee, we gave strong warnings to all owners on the Blog and by email in July. Moreover, a number of owners were contacted individually and sadly the response was not as good as we hoped for regarding payments. We did however get a positive response from the usual core of responsible paying owners, but this was unfortunately not enough to pay the debts. Apart from a list of regular persistent non-payers, which has always caused the maintenance challenges (Quality, Palm View, Absolute all in debt), a new set of owners started not to pay (some are even resident in the complex) and this has of course caused the extra damage, which may affect all of us. This lack of funds in turn also meant that we could not start the sewage repairs that were voted on at the AGM in May 2013.

At this juncture, all Committee members will discuss this new development as a matter of urgency. Owners should be aware that services might well be affected as a result. There are only limited funds to work with at present, however all incoming funds will be used to cater for critical services such as the sewage (now more expensive than before) and the Swimming Pool. The last Electricity Bill was paid by Grant Holmes and we still have a few weeks before the next one.

We welcome the individual input from fully paid owners that have supported the OH5 community until now, as we are in a critical situation and they have the right to influence what happens from here on.

We advise all owners not to pay any money into the Demorilo Account any more.

Currently we have no funds and debts to Demorilo (mentioned above), Insurance and water Irrigation. Utility bills will come in soon and we risk even Demorilo stopping services sooner if we cannot pay at least something towards the debt.

Despite what may have passed, this is an opportunity to clear the decks, let bygones be bygones and come together as a community of caring owners. All owners with outstanding debts now have an opportunity to show their good will to the community by depositing into the Committee Account (details attached) by 1st of September 2013. As bank transfers take a few days, simply send details of your deposit to this email address. For owners with large debts a minimum deposit of 500 euro is expected, thereafter we can create a payment plan. Owners with lower outstanding payments, we just ask to bring your account up to date until the end of August. If you are experiencing financial difficulty please make contact with us and we will arrange something, however in all cases we need to see a token of good will.

Owners that do not show a token good will and have outstanding debts, will be placed on a list of non-payers, then contacted by someone from the Committee or a Credit Agency. The list will be shared with all fully paid owners owners, as everyone paying regularly has the right to know who is causing such harm to our complex.

In closing, please act quickly, as this is a matter of urgency.

OH5 Committee

Monday, August 5, 2013

Demorilo Office Summer closing over bank Holidays

Advice to OH5 Owners

Please be advised that the offices of Demorilo Holdings, both in Larnaca and Oroklini will be closed on the below dates, which incorporate the national bank holiday of Assumption Day (a religious event):- 
  • Wednesday 14th August Closing from lunchtime
  • Thursday 15th August Closed 
  • Friday 16th August Closed
The Demorilo offices will re-open as normal on Monday 19th August.

Should you need to contact Demorilo in the event of an emergency,  dial the Larnaca office number (00357- 24400343), which will be diverted to the out of hours phone.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Concern for Utilities

Dear OH5 Owners

Further to our recent communication which urged all Owners to bring their accounts up to date due to a low level of funds and looming Utility costs in addition to the costs of ongoing services.

At this juncture the the utility bills have arrived which all owners can download here below: 
The total bill is 821.33 euro. The Lions share of the cost is Block B which amounts to 571.26 euro. Block B operates the Pool, however the amount is still high compared to last summer and in view of the fact EAC have reduced Electricity costs. We have asked Demorilo to investigate the matter.

Meanwhile, some owners living in the complex on a full time basis in addition to others visiting the Complex for holidays are using the services and not contributing. All of these owners will be contacted in the next couple of days in an assertive way. All means to recover funds are being considered.

In closing, we kindly remind all owners to bring their accounts up to date as a matter of urgency to avoid a cut to Utility services. 

The OH5 Committee

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sad news concerning our Head Gardener

Dear OH5 Owners

It is with deep sadness and regret that we write to advise you that Richard Brown, Head Gardener for Demrilo passed away 19 of June, aged 29 years. At the present time the cause of death is unknown.

As you can imagine the entire Demorilo team are in a state of shock and upset at this tragic loss.

The Demorilo offices, in Larnaca and Oroklini will remain closed for business on Thursday 20th June. The Oroklini Office will also be closed on Friday 21st June in addition to Monday the 24th of June. 

We greatly appreciate your understanding and patience at this very difficult time.

If any owner has an emergency please call the office on +357 24400343 and it will be diverted to someone managing the line. 

A fund raising evening was held Friday 28th June 2013 to raise money for Richard.

The Committee considered to contribute, however due to low funds it was decided that ore personal contributions would be appropriate.

The Committee would  like to take this opportunity to thank all owners that already contributed to the cause.

OH5 Committee

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Urgent request for funds

 Dear OH5 Owners

We kindly request all owners to bring their accounts up to date with immediate effect.

The balance of accounts is alarmingly low. Income is required urgently to cover ongoing utilities, maintenance charges and to ensure the general upkeep of the complex.

Owners that do not contribute promptly, penalize other owners in the complex. To illustrate this point, with the lower fixed charges in place now (compared to previous years) it is possible to reduce the monthly fee, however due to the non-paying rate, the fee has to stay higher than necessary to cover the lack of payments coming in.

Moreover, the non paying rate impacts on other areas as follows:
  • Limits our options with regards to services, as we can only work with companies that will accept irregular and late payments (including insurance).
  • Our capacity to negotiate costs with suppliers.
  • We cannot set up direct debits to pay utility costs, due to the fact we cannot be sure there will be money in the account. If direct debits are returned charges are incurred.
  • We need to fix tiles, drainage, painting, plumbing and many other general maintenance jobs, which often owners request, however without the funds it's simply impossible.
As a result of this somewhat vicious circle created by non or late paying owners, the OH5 Committee will take all reasonable measures to secure funds for the benefit and best interests of the complex as a whole.

If an owner reading this message is unsure of their funds owed or is experiencing difficulty to pay please contact Alison York from Demorilo on:
For owners in difficulty, the Committee is willing to set realistic payment plans, however non compliance, avoidance or refusal will result in assertive action.

We want to avoid any impact on utilities and the next payment for Insurance, however we can only manage the money that comes in. It is not naturally sustainable or realistic to expect the Chairman or other Committee members to pay from their own pocket for Utility and Insurance bills any longer.

The OH5 Committee

Monday, June 10, 2013

AGM main Action Points - originally sent by email 23.5.13

Copy of email sent to all owners on the 23rd of May.

Dear OH5 owners

With reference to the AGM held on the 6th of May, we would like to first apologize for not getting in touch earlier, however Grant had to travel to Dubai and then Italy on business and the follow up was also delayed.

Minutes have been drafted and are currently being checked. These will be posted in due course on the OH5 Blog

First and foremost we would like to thank all owners that cared enough to attend the AGM personally, especially those who flew in specially. Meanwhile, we thought you would all appreciate a brief overview of the outcome:

Date: 6th May
Time: 11:00hrs
Location: Lithos (very quiet and we were the only ones there – only water served)
Attendance: 12 OH5 people present and 14 apartments represented with 4 proxy votes.

A temporary Committee was elected

Chairman: Grant Holmes
Treasurer: Brian Walton
Member: Reg Swallow
Member: Malcolm Price

Note: The committee agreed to stand only until the end of September at the point the Demorilo Agreement ends.
Main Action Points
  1. Communication: Many owners present expressed the stress of over communication by email by some owners and the volume of exaggerated complaints, which were realized upon visiting the complex. All agreed in principle that future communications should be kept to the Blog, positive, collaborative and productive.
  2. Solutions: It was determined that in future all owners should focus on a solution based approach, as to criticize or complain was destructive, it provided no help, solutions or way forward. Only by focusing on solutions with owner collaboration could we progress as a complex.
  3. Demorilo: All agreed to maintain the Demorilo agreement until it expires at the end of September 2013, thereafter the situation should be properly evaluated with new tenders sent by 1st September 2013 (all comprehensive and serious proposals are welcome. Meanwhile, Grant Holmes will seek to negotiate to reduce the Demorilo cost yet further.
  4. Sewage: The sewage issue was discussed and all owners unanimously voted on the least expensive quote (previously indicated). A follow up will be sent out in due course.
  5. Insurance: Issue discussed and a copy of the current policy was agreed to be posted throughout the complex (done).
  6. Public Toilets: All agreed the outside toilets should be kept open in the summer months, then closed 1st December – 1st of March.
  7. Reporting: All agreed a reporting procedure was required. This will be set up via the Blog and automated.
  8. Swimming Pool: Flaps urgently required (already ordered), Net needed (already in place and donated by Demorilo), more loose tiles needed repairing (others previously fixed – pending new quote), One cover necessary (ordered).
  9. Lighting: Times to be changed to 7pm – Midnight to save on electricity cost. Some bulbs to be removed (every other one) to save electricity cost in Car Park area.
  10. Blocked drains: Letters to be distributed to all residents of OH5. Also a sign recommended. Drain-pipes are to thin, so all residents must adopt best practices.
  11. Non-payers: Main cause of current price is to cover the effect of non-payers (fact) and not the actual cost of the operation. No owners have the right to tell others t=not to pay. All assertive means available will be taken to collect funds. Demorilo to report to all owners quarterly fees paid, fees owed and balance.
  12. Trusted Traders: A couple of Owners suggested a trusted Traders list could be posted on the OH5 Blog. This was warmly welcome.
  13. Accounts: Brian Walton will oversee accounts. Each quarter a balance of accounts will be posted on the Blog. Owners that require more detailed information should request to Brian Walton, who will arrange for owners to see the accounts personally with Demorilo. It was suggested by Brian that Andrew N could audit the accounts.
  14. Blog: The Blog will become the main means of communication. The existing Blog already features the most comprehensive information of a complex that any committee is offering in Cyprus we know of. It has long since answered many of the frequent questions repeatedly raised in the multiple emails sent in the past. Grant Holmes will yet further develop the concept in due course.
New OH5 Committee

See Minutes, voting and updated Action Points on the left hand column. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Sewage Update - Pending proposal

Dear OH5 Owners

We would like to inform all owners that on Wednesday, April 3rd 2013, as a Committee we delegated the task (by email) of analyzing all the various quotes to repair the sewage plant and improve the situation (including sewage distribution) to the two owners that were dedicated to this task. We asked them both to formally make a formal proposal, as they initially raised the issue and made the complaint. We vowed to forward their proposal to all owners in order to decide by vote, as the investment is likely to be significant.

We took this decision as both above-mentioned owners reported the challenging situation we face concerning sewage issues in our complex (common to many complexes in the area, as we are not on the main sewage mains) to the Environment Agency on a European level, which naturally affects all owners. Moreover, the detail in the quotes and input became extremely complex and was out of our professional capacity to analyze in addition to the fact the 2 people in question did not want to follow the advice of our professional management company. This in essence took the matter out of our hands and out of the direct influence of the local Oroklini council who initially supported us, until the sewage issue was reported. In short our complex has been singled out above all other complexes in the region for a common problem and our options have been severely compromised, meaning the only options available would be expensive at a time when funds are low partly due to recent events, instability and the economic crisis in Cyprus. 

Until the date of this post we have not received any proposals whatsoever and the deadline for all motions for the AGM on the 6th of May has also passed.

This communication was simply made to inform all owners of the prevailing situation. A copy of the original owners in question is available on request. 

The OH5 acting Committee

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Crisis in Cyprus and Bank Account update

Dear OH5 Owners

No doubt you have all seen the international news and read about the economic crisis in Cyprus, which is still unfolding.

Our current funds are around 1000 euro and as such not affected by any haircut. We do feel however that it’s better to close the current account and ask Demorilo to collect funds on our behalf as before. The reasons for this are as follows:
  1. As a Company Demorilo will be able to collect funds in a variety of ways Bank Transfer, Cash and PayPal. Due to the crisis, we need to collect funds using different ways facilitated through a professional administration Company, which can be held accountable. 
  2. As Committee members we have never collected any cash personally (except for Fund raising) or PayPal payments, as we thought it unwise to do so. In light of all the heated conversation about accounts, this proved to be the right choice. 
  3. Individual Accounts have a spending limit of 300 euro per day, which is limiting. Moreover, as a Committee, we only ever-used Cheques for payments (except when one of us or Demorilo paid personally if there was no funds available), so it could be recorded, now cheques are more difficult to use for suppliers. 
  4. Clearly company Accounts have more flexibility; hence it’s in the best interests of the complex to take advantage of a Demorilo bank account. 
  5. As Demorilo complete the accounts, it also makes the process faster, to ensure accounts are updated more speedily, as a couple of owners have requested this of late (before we received no requests). 
  6. As there is an AGM in May, we should close the Committee account before then. This will facilitate an orderly transition. 
For any owners with a direct debit, we kindly ask you to cancel it. We will close the account over the period of one month to allow for any direct debits that may come in.

Meanwhile, Alison from Demorilo will be in touch soon to request payments. We ask all owners to cooperate with Alison and bring their accounts fully up to date.

Grant, Brian and Costas

Friday, March 15, 2013

Drainpipes checked and cleaned up

Our sewage disposal provider checked all of t drain pipes around OH5 and cleared them.

A number of items were found to blick the pipes, which leads us to call on all owners to take care when flushing certain items down the toilets.

We therefore all owners and the people they rent to, to refrain from flushing down toilets or sinks the following items:

  • Sanitary towels
  • Cloths
  • Clothing
  • Tampons
  • Any item that could block the drains. 
The sewage system generally in Cyprus is not as efficient as most parts of northern Europe and strictly speaking not even toilet paper can be flushed. Most brands usually however disintegrate, but not so the items stated above. 

We will follow up on this matter in due course. 

Special Sewage Meeting

Dear OH5 owners

With reference to a constructive and productive meeting held on Friday 8th March 2013 - 4PM at the Demorilo offices in Larnaca, we are pleased to inform you of the following:

  • Brian Walton (Committee member)
  • Lawrence and Twyla Shannahan
  • Luke and Angie Medley
  • John Honly
  • Grant Holmes (who chaired the meeting)
  • 3 representatives for Demorilo
Presentation of quote to repair and recondition our biological plant
An Engineer called Paris with appropriate Government certification presented his quote and answered questions to all in attendance. A summary of answers are shown below:
  • The cost is just under 4,500 euro.
  • It features a mixture of new and reconditioned items. 
  • We learned that all reconditioned items had a 6 month guarantee.
  • In the event one recondition item breaks it will not affect the others and therefore could be replaced individually.
  • When the works are being conducted all owners will still have free use of toilets and showers without interruption.
  • It was estimated that the Chroline will cost around 200 euro per year.
  • if we go ahead, a cost of 150 euro will be charged per month to maintain including adding of Chroline and testing.  
  • Assuming the water is properly treated and tested all agreed it could be then dispersed onto the hill.
  • Savvas offered to improve the piping onto the hill at no cost. 
  • With respect to the connection of the Biological Plant to the irrigation system (only possible to beds - not grass), this has to be carefully checked first.
  • It was discussed and agreed that the plant will be totally concealed (front window access by means of 4”discharge pipe will need to be completely protected/covered). The purpose of this is is to protect the complex from unnecessary spread of pathogens (by possible means of birds, bugs, rodents, flies etc) and eliminate anything from entering or falling into the plant.
  • It was also agreed that the lock that was attached to the top doors was a great idea. This will protect our liability for any possibility of exposure and/or entrance of unauthorized personnel into our WWTP.
  • Electricity costs are expected to rise, however the volume of water is notably less than first thought, so the impact while difficult to calculate should not be too high.
  • If this contractor is used, he agreed to a payment plan over 3 months starting with a 1,000 euro deposit. 
NOTE: All quotes will be placed onto the OH5 Blog.

Conclusions and Agreements
All in attendance unanimously agreed to the following:
  • In the first instance all agreed that we must proceed and quickly, as the cost of disposing the water frequently in the proper manner was going to be high and fixing our plant once and for all was the best course of action all things considered. 
  • Luke Medley proposed to request 2 quotes from each contractor. One with with new part and the other with reconditioned parts. This is to enable us to properly compare all details. 
  • Paris was asked to prepare this and Luke Medley will arrange the same with the other Contractor for comparison. 
  • It was a agreed by all that a full inspection was required of the piping and drain pipes, which can overflow during heavy rain, hence quotes will be requested with immediate effect. Depending upon the outcome this could make a notable impact on the overall cost. 
Other matters arising
Here below are additional points and issues that came up during the course of our productive meeting:
  • Each owner present agreed without question it was in the best interests of everybody at the complex that we all worked together in the collective synergy of true community spirit.
  • Moreover, that there were many skills and experiences to utilize for the benefit of the complex. 
  • A line was drawn under the past and the cooperation / collaboration projected was encouraging.
  • Grant Holmes proposed that Lawrence Shannahan should be head of Health and Safety at OH5 with immediate effect, as he possesses a wealth of technical experience within this field and all owners present agreed. This role would oversee the repair of the biological plant. 
  • Grant Holmes also proposed that Luke Medley should be head of Building / Construction matters at OH5, as he previously owned a company within this field. A number of important structural and building concerns need to be addressed, however a study was required first to understand the best way forward and someone with appropriate experience needed to be dedicated to this area of concern. All owners present agreed. 
  • The communal toilets and lifts were also discussed, however conclusions will be sent in another communication, which will require general owner feedback. 
Next steps
The next step is to evaluate the 2 sets of quotes requested in order to decide on which contractor and type of quote is best to move forward with. Once we come to this conclusion all owners will be contacted for approval. 

Best regards

Grant Holmes on behalf of of all attending the special sewage meeting

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Positive Swimming Pool Tests as usual

Our Swimming Pool water is tested regularly, by a professional CPO certified Pool Operator called Ian Fraser. You can view his Certificate on the side bar of this Blog. We would  like to share the latest results with you, which are quite standard. 

Please find below the most recent test results, that were taken on site at 5pm 6.3.2013 using a Lamotte 2056 Color-Q Pro 7 test kit, which is one of the best on the market. 
  1. FC: Free Chlorine - Ideal level is between 2 and 4 ppm (parts per million): Hills 5 reading as of 6.3.2013 was 2.3 ppm
  2. TC: Total Chlorine - Ideal level is for the total to be the same as the free chlorine: Hills 5 reading as of 6.3.2013 was 2.3ppm
  3. pH: Acidity/Alkalinity - Ideal level is between 7.2 and 7.8ppm: Hills 5 reading as of 6.3.2013 was 7.2ppm
  4. TA – Total Alkalinity – Ideal levels vary depending on pool type & finish: Hills 5 reading as of 6.3.2013 was 61ppm
  5. CH – Calcium Hardness – Ideal level is between 100 and 350ppm depending on pool type: Hills 5 reading as of 6.3.2013 was 260ppm
  6. CYA – Cyanuric Acid –Ideal level is between 60 and 80ppm: Hills 5 reading as of 6.3.2013 was 84ppm which was just over the ideal but still okay.
For more specific details as to what each of the readings mean, please consult the Swimming Pool Guide on the side bar.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Sewage Update

Dear OH5 Owners

As promised we spoke with Makis from the Oroklini Council today, who was a pleasant and supportive person.

Initial response
His first response was to sympathize with our position in that our complex is not on the sewage mains (also will not be for the foreseeable future, especially so as Municipality funds are very tight at present and it would take a considerable investment) and we like all other complexes are receiving serious challenges with incoming contributions, further affected by the economic climate. This financial matter cannot be understated and has always been the root cause of our problems.

Basically he said we have 2 options open to us, either of which he would be perfectly satisfied with.

Option 1
We would need to regularly remove the waste. We are already doing this in the full knowledge of the Oroklini Council and guided by Kokos and Demorilo, however it appears we should to do this more frequently now, as the matter was reported to a European Health body and we are advised to be absolutely safe and sure that no untreated water flows from the pipe into the hill.

To step up the waste removal will no doubt be more costly, so we need to speak various waste disposal providers to see what the lowest actual cost will be according to the need.

Option 1 will involve greater cost in sewage removal, however there is no up front cost. We now need to establish what the best price we could obtain will be. Meantime, we have instructed our Property Management Company to arrange for the sewage to be disposed off more frequently in line with the guidelines given and with immediate effect.

Option 2
To repair the water treatment plant once an for all, which has not been fully functional ever since we took over as a Committee, hence we inherited the problem. In fact as previously reported the first task of Palm View Property Management Company when they took over from Quality was to dispose of the sewage, which had built up and was left untreated. It took around 10 truck loads on the first day.

We received a quote from Mr. Shannahan who recently brought the matter to light, which was in the region of 6,000 euro. Our property management Company Demorilo obtained a quote for a similar job from someone certified by the Government as part of a feasibility study, whereby the cost is around 2,000 euro less.
Option 2 will feature a high up front cost, which according to past contributions will not be feasible. Therefore, something dramatic will have to happen such as an extra one-off payment, which will need to be voted on by all owners and we have to be certain that is does not impact on ongoing contributions. Moreover, electricity costs will rise with this option and there are other issues to consider.

From our perspective, at this juncture, it is crucial for the sake of the complex that we all collaborate in a conciliatory way to come to a quick solution with the positive spirit of the community. We will therefore kindly call for the following people to meet at the Demorilo Larnaca office on Friday 8th of March.
  • Owner and representative of Demorilo, our Property Management Company. 
  • Representative of the Committee. 
  • Mr. Lawrence Shannahan and Luke Medley.
  • Other potentially interested owners. 
  • The contractor that provided the second cheaper quote. 
  • To compare both quotes and agree on a preferred quote. 
  • To consider the extra electricity costs and how this could be potentially minimized. 
  • To determine precisely where the chlorinated water will be dispersed (estimated to be up to 30 tons per day), because even if it is treated it has to be dispersed, and adding the costs of option 1 additionally will make the project even less financially feasible. 
  • To consider all other potential consequences. 
  • How to fund the cost.
Final step
Once we receive the outcome of this special meeting, we can then make a unified proposal to all owners to vote upon.
In closing, we are following the directions of the local Council with immediate effect to be on the safe side.

Grant, Brian and Costas

Sewage system sabotage

Dear Owners,

I am writing this email to inform you that sadly on Saturday the 2nd March 2013 sabotage to the sewage system at OH5 was identified. 

Upon a weekend inspection of the complex it was noted that waste had backed up again into the communal toilet block, so the system was checked over to ensure that the pump was operational and the system was functioning. Upon further inspection of the pipe that removes the waste off site it was observed that a section of pipe had been removed, which basically equates to the waste having nowhere to go and this action caused the waste to back up within the complex. Whoever took this action has shown a total disregard for the complex and the safe/well-being of the residents on site.  

We are all well aware and it has been well documented that many of us would like a fully functional/operational biological treatment plant onsite but this was never commissioned properly from day one of the complex opening, nor does the complex currently have a main sewage system connected to it like many other streets and towns in Cyprus. Therefore we either employ a waste lorry to visit the site daily and remove the waste water every time tanks start to fill up, which would be very costly for everybody concerned or we have to run with the system at this present time that has been in place with the councils authorisation for many years.

I hereby ask all owners that are onsite to be extra vigilant with regards to the obvious sabotage that is apparent as further sabotage will put the health and safety of the aforementioned residents at risk.

Demorilo Holdings Ltd along with some of the owners onsite are still compiling a feasibility study into the commissioning of the biological treatment plant but many factors have to be considered as a hasty decision could lead to spiralling energy costs, large volumes of recycled water that would need a destination (it cannot all be used on the gardens) and large costs would be incurred in the running of the plant room due to weekly maintenance being required and large volumes of chemicals would be required to operate such a system. In summary we simply don’t know at this moment in time if the commissioning of the treatment plant is viable but like most we hope that it will be once we have gathered all of the facts together.

Once again Demorilo Holdings would like to reiterate that the current system in place on your complex has been approved by the local council and we again strongly advise that if any owner should require clarification from the local council (responsible for health and safety) then please feel free contact the person indicated on this blog.

Kind Regards
Simon Tunnah
General Manager

Details of Demorilo services

Our competent cleaning operative is Andrea Lovaszi who is widely respected within the Larnaca district, due to her operational standards of cleanliness. Other committees actually ask for her to be their dedicated cleaner due to her reputation within the local community. She is onsite for one full day per week, which equates to 8 complete hours per week (after breaks).

Alison York heads up the Administration side of things, utilizing her 13 years experience in this field. Alison will spend around 4-6 hours per week engaging in dialogue with the owners and updating the records of owner payments.

Administration is key to collecting funds especially from non payers. Alison has already showed her strength in the in 2012, but recovering vital funds and helping us reduce the overall debt.

What all owners need to appreciate is that communication costs are high, as the job of simply sending emails is not effective, hence a large number of owners have to be followed up on. Alison has to call many owners overseas in Iran, Dubai, parts of Africa, UK and other countries besides. Many owners are hard to find or contact and the work is tiresome. Alison is always polite, courteous and assertive, which through experience has proven to be the best policy. She routines exceeds the agreed number of hours too.

Demorilo have also agreed to manage the OH5 accounts, which are available for any fully paid Owner to view upon request to any Committee member. Viewing the accounts requires visiting the Demorilo office with an appointment agreed in advance. All accounts are confidential to owners only and our trusted service providers.

Richard Brown and Colin Jackson both of whom are fully trained in the use of all garden equipment and machinery comprise the Gardening team of OH5. They have also been trained in the safe and effective application of pesticides and garden fertilizers  Both operatives like all of the operatives at Demorilo have a real pride and passion for their area of our business

Moreover, both Gardeners are experienced in the care of most types of shrubs and plants that are found in Cyprus. All chemicals, pesticides, materials and equipment are included in the monthly fee. Such things are not cheap to buy as anyone can witness visiting a local garden center.

Richard also conducts a health check on the irrigation system during his weekly visit, which is crucial during the summer months.

Pool Cleaning
Iain Fraser is the pool cleaner for the complex and will visit 3 times per week inm the summer months twice a week in winter.

Essentially. Iain is fully trained by the National Swimming Pool Foundation and is a fully qualified Certified Pool and Spa Operator(CPO) his registration number is 85288124 and this can be verified by emailing the NSPF.

Operational Direction
Simon is the Operations Manager of Demorilo and is the person to contact for any defaults at the complex or important matters reating to any area of the operation. Simon is regularly onsite checking all areas of our complex and the performance of his team.

Health Inspector - Oroklini Community Council

The Health Inspector of Oroklini Village area is called Makis and he works at the Oroklini Community Council Office Building.

It is important for all Owners to know that the OH5 Committee follows the advice given by our professional service provider Demorillo Holdings Limited, which is in liaison and full knowledge of the Oroklini Community Council.

If any owner wishes to contact our local Health Inspector, he is fully aware about our property and his contact number is +357 24644744,

For visits the Oroklini Community Council their offices are open during the following times:

7.30am-2.30pm & 3.30pm-5.30pm


7.30am-2.30pm  & 3.30pm-5.30pm


7.30am-2.30pm  & 3.30pm-5.30pm

Social Accountability of staff

It is important for all Owners to know that Demorilo guarantees to ensure that all directly employed personnel working within the OH5 complex are doing so in accordance with the laws of Cyprus, which include payments of their social contributions and appropriate certification where necessary for Pool maintenance and other areas of technical operations.

It is essential that all staff contracted are legal and pair social contribution in accordance with the laws of Cyprus. The Government are taking measures to ensure that this happens.

DH also endeavors to ensure that all sub-contracted personnel are operating in accordance with the employment laws in Cyprus. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Demorilo contacts

Here below are the contacts for our Property Management Company Demorilo:

Main Office
Makariou Avenue 36 | Shop 2 | Larnaca | 6017
Tel: +357 24400791 | Fax: +357 24400344

Oroklini Office
Griva Digeni 37 | Oroklini | Larnaca | 7040 | Cyprus

Friday, March 1, 2013

Swimming Pool Guide

Swimming Pool Guide

All ‘KSL Property Services’ pool technicians hold a valid NSPF® Certified Pool Operator® or CIMSPA PPO Certification.

A monthly check is also made by senior members of staff who hold a valid NSPF® ‘Certified Pool Inspector’® licence.

All company operations are also supervised by our Exec. Director, who is certified to the NSPF® Associate Instructor level, the highest certification level currently available.

This focus on training and oversight ensures the consistent high level of pool safety and maintenance available.

The swimming pool is tested on each visit for Chlorine Free, Chlorine Total, Chlorine Combined and PH.  Alkalinity, Calcium and Cyanuric Acid are tested at least once per month. Any tests are reconfirmed before any chemical adjustments are made to the swimming pool.

Swimming pool chemistry is made up of materials dissolved into the water, to ensure effective disinfection of the pool water and prolong the life of the pool equipment and liner we monitor the levels of key materials. These levels are constantly fluctuating depending on chemistry, bather load, weather etc.

When testing these results are then used to calculate swimming pools water ‘balance’. We do not expect levels to all be perfect when we perform these tests, a swimming pool is an open system constantly being contaminated by users and the environment. The purpose of the tests is to detect what levels have dropped out of balance and adjust accordingly. Our aim is to keep the water chemistry properly balanced so that we pick up levels that have dropped out of the ‘ideal range’ before they drop out of the ‘accepted range’.

Most of these levels are not regulated however there are legal limits for Cyanuric acid as high levels reduce the effectiveness of disinfectants like Chlorine and promote the spread of bacteria and viruses.

Here below is a quick guide to help all owners understand the importance of managing the balance within a Swimming Pool.

FC – Free Chlorine
The Ideal level is between 2 and 4 ppm (parts per million).
Accepted Range is 1-10ppm.
Levels immediately after manual dosing may be higher.

FC should be tested and chlorine added daily, unless you have an automatic feeder or SWG, in which case you can test it every couple of days. FC is consumed by sunlight and by breaking down organic material in your pool.

It is important that you do not allow FC to get too low, or you run the risk of getting algae and/or having an unsafe pool.

TC – Total Chlorine –
Ideal level is for the total to be the same as the free chlorine.
Accepted Range is <0.2ppm

Ideal level is between 7.4 and 7.6ppm.
Accepted Range is 7.2-7.8

pH indicates how acidic or basic the water is. pH levels between 7.2 and 7.8 are suitable for swimming, while levels between 7.4 and 7.6 are ideal.

We primarily use a type of chlorine that while is the best for the types of pool in Cyprus does have a side effect of increasing PH. Due to this we tend to find that the PH is usually high when tested. We add balancing chemicals to the pool to counteract this effect.

TA – Total Alkalinity –
Ideal levels are 80ppm-100ppm when using Calhypo and 100ppm-120ppm when using Dichlor/Trichlor. Accepted Range is 60ppm-180ppm

Total alkalinity indicates the water’s ability to buffer pH changes. Buffering means you need to use larger quantities of a chemical to change the pH. At low TA levels, the pH tends to swing around wildly. At high TA levels, the pH tends to drift up slowly.

CH – Calcium Hardness –
Ideal level is between 200ppm and 400ppm
Accepted Range is 150ppm-1000ppm

Calcium hardness indicates the amount of calcium in the water. Low levels of calcium can damage tiled/plaster pool surfaces. High levels can damage heaters, pumps and block pipe work.

CYA – Cyanuric Acid –
Ideal level is between 30ppm and 50ppm

Accepted Range is 0-100ppm

Cyanuric acid protects FC from sunlight however at higher levels it lowers the effective strength of the FC. The higher the CYA level, the more FC you need to get the same effect.

Due to its relationship on the effectiveness of disinfectant like chlorine, CYA is legally regulated.

NSPF guidelines along with the CDC and WHO advise a maximum safe level for CYA is 100ppm. In Cyprus the legal limit is 200ppm. We self regulate that a pool should never exceed CYA of 100ppm.

Information Provided by KSL Property Services (D J Key Services Property Ltd)

Friday, January 4, 2013

Real Estate License

Here below are details of the Demorilo license to operate:
  • Licensed Real Estate
  • Registration Number AM 325
  • License number AA 101/E
